Art Classes and Camps

Northwest Arts Center – 9825 NE 24th St

Mid-Winter Break | February 22-25, 2022

Tuition: $199 for both residents and non-residents (4 days)

Clay Figurine Camp

The course will take you through the entire process of sculpting a figurine to a very high finish, with an emphasis on getting the anatomical structure correct at the beginning. This is key to achieving a likeness. We will show you how to train your eye to see objectively, so you can learn to trust your own judgment. This class is offered by the American Academy of Fine Arts

Grades: K-6

Dates/Time: Tuesday-Friday, Feb 22-25. 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

Watercolor Camp

This class introduces classic watercolor techniques and builds slowly from the simple to the more complex. Topics include use of value, control of the medium, color mixing, and composition. Demonstrations are part of the class but painting from still life and photographs is emphasized. Experienced students will focus on assignments to improve color handling, composition, and specific painting challenges. Students must acquire their own supplies for this class. Supply list provided.

Grades: K-6

Dates/Time: Tuesday-Friday, Feb 22-25. 12:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.


Spring Break | April 11-15, 2022

Tuition: $249 for both residents and non-residents (5 days)

Watercolor Camp

This class introduces classic watercolor techniques and builds slowly from the simple to the more complex. Topics include use of value, control of the medium, color mixing, and composition. Demonstrations are part of the class but painting from still life and photographs is emphasized. Experienced students will focus on assignments to improve color handling, composition, and specific painting challenges. Students must acquire their own supplies for this class. Supply list provided.

Dates/Time: Monday-Friday, April 11-15. 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.

Clay Figurine Camp

The course will take you through the entire process of sculpting a figurine to a very high finish, with an emphasis on getting the anatomical structure correct at the beginning. This is key to achieving a likeness. We will show you how to train your eye to see objectively, so you can learn to trust your own judgment. This class is offered by the American Academy of Fine Arts.

Dates/Time: Monday-Friday, April 11-15. 12:30 p.m.-3:00 p.m.


If you encounter any issues when registering for your class, please send an email with your name, phone number, address, and course name to